24 Oct 2016

Over 2,500 people attended Lámh Training in 2015

Over 2,500 parents, siblings, extended family members, carers, teachers, speech & language therapists, special needs assistants, pre-school workers, social care staff, home teachers and other communication partners attended formal Lámh training in 2015. The figures for 2016 are similar. In recent years numbers attending Lámh courses have increased, and continue to do so. Lámh Tutors delivered Lámh Family Courses, Little Lámh Workshops, Module One Lámh Courses, Part Two Family Courses, Module One Add-on Workshops and QQI ULTCA courses around the country to larger numbers than ever before.

Families usually access Lámh training through their service provider, and staff members usually access Lámh training through their employer.

Those who attend Lámh courses will have membership of Lámh Signs Online www.lamhsigns.org following their training, where they can access videos of the signs they have learned, and can access more signs if needed.

Contact info@lamh.org about Lámh training or sign up to our Contact list.